Call for applications
emial for recommendation letters
[email protected]ICMU conducts a competition for the annual Student Research Award. The award is intended to recognize the best student research papers in the mathematical sciences that led to a publication with a one-time cash prize of 50,000 UAH. Several awards are planned to be presented each year.
The criteria for participation in the 2024 competition are the following:
Studying at Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes in a Ukrainian higher education institution as of May 2024
Having a scientific work in mathematical sciences published in or submitted to a refereed journal, or a defended thesis. Unpublished and not submitted articles posted on or other online repositories will not be accepted for consideration.
Application. To apply for the award, applicants must submit the following materials:
CV (in pdf format, no more than 2 pages)
The scientific work submitted to the competition (in pdf format)
Confirmation of its publication, submission letter, or the proof of a thesis defense (in pdf format)
Motivation letter (in pdf format, no more than 5 pages plus a bibliography) explaining the importance of the results and future plans
Contacts of one or two professional mathematicians who will send recommendation letters in support of candidate’s work
Recommendation letters. The applicants must request that the recommendation letters are submitted directly by the recommenders to [email protected] by 15 October 2024. It is expected that the recommendation letters will comment on the importance of the candidate's work submitted to the contest. In the case of a multi-authored paper, the letters must address the candidate’s contribution to the joint work. For Bachelor’s or Master’s theses the scientific advisor can serve as one of the recommenders.
Contest deadline. The final application deadline for the 2024 award was 15 October. The results will be announced in December. All applications are being evaluated by a committee consisting of representatives of several Ukrainian higher educational institutions and members of the Co-ordination Committee of ICMU.
Selection committee. In 2024 the award Selection Committee consisted of the following mathematicians:
Dmitri Finkelshtein (ICMU, United Kingdom)
Oleksiy Kapustyan (Kyiv)
Eugene Karolinsky (Kharkiv)
Olha Kichmarenko (Odesa)
Olha Martynyuk (Chernivtsi)
Volodymyr Nekrashevych (ICMU, USA)
Dmytro Savchuk (ICMU, USA)
Lyudmyla Turowska (ICMU, Sweden)
Michael Zarichnyi (Lviv)
Other programmes
ICMU summer/winter schools
The Centre facilitates organisation of scientific schools that introduce students and Ph.D. candidates to active areas of modern research.
ICMU for education and outreach
The Centre organises lectures in which professional scientists present mathematical concepts and ideas in an accessible manner. We also translate modern scientific mathematics textbooks into Ukrainian.
Collaboration @ICMU
Small groups of researchers can spend one to two weeks at ICMU to work on specific projects. This programme operates in the working space of ICMU in Kyiv.